email: [email protected]
Mass Cards - Mass intentions can be requested for loved ones, both living and deceased. An announced Mass refers to a Mass celebrated on a specific day and time, where your loved one's name will be remembered during the Prayer of the Faithful. An unannounced Mass refers to a Mass where the priest silently prays for your intention. Cards suitable for sending are available for both types of intentions. The offering is $25 for weekend Masses, $15 for weekday Masses, $10 for unannounced Masses.
Purgatorial Society - On the last Sunday of each month a Mass is celebrated in our parish (alternating each month at SJE & OLMC)
and is offered for all our deceased who are enrolled in our Purgatorial Society for the deceased.
We offer a padded Mass card that can be given to the family of the loved one.
The suggested donation is $25.
Sanctuary Lamp - the lighted candle in the sanctuary indicates the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Donations of $15 can be made to reserve the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one (living or deceased) for one week. An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Weekly Altar Bread and Wine - can be memorialized for a loved one (living or deceased) for $15. An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Liturgical Memorials - Parishioners are encouraged to make a donation for any item that will be used in our churches for years to come (such as vestments and chalices). This is a wonderful practice that gives honor to a loved one. Please also remember your parish in your will and other charitable donations. If you would like to memorialize an item, please call or the Parish Office for more information and specific needs.